Welcome to the wonderful world of Web Performance

Sitespeed.io is a set of Open Source tools that makes it easy to monitor and measure the performance of your web site.

Measuring performance shouldn’t be hard: you should be able to have full control of your metrics, own your own data and you should be able to do it without paying top dollars.

That’s why we created sitespeed.io.


Use our Docker container to get an environment with Firefox, Chrome, XVFB and sitespeed.io up and running as fast as you can download them. They work extremely well together with Graphite/InfluxDB and Grafana.

docker run --shm-size=1g --rm -v "$(pwd)":/sitespeed.io sitespeedio/sitespeed.io https://www.sitespeed.io/


Install sitespeed.io globally:

npm install -g sitespeed.io

And then run:

sitespeed.io https://www.sitespeed.io/

Follow our connectivity guide to emulate real users connectivity.

Just in time for Christmas!

We got some big news - sitespeed.io 6.0, Browsertime 2.0, The Coach 1.0 and PageXray 2.0 is here. We moved to NodeJS 8, made a lot of small improvements and focused on making plugins more powerful. Read the blog post to find out more.

What tool should I use?

The power of sitespeed.io

If you want to measure the performance and are only interested in timing metrics, you should focus on using Browsertime. If you want it all: use sitespeed.io. It is the main tool that uses all sitespeed.io tools and add supports for testing multiple pages as well as adds the ability to report the metrics to a TSDB (Graphite and InfluxDB).

If you are a performance tool maker you should look at The coach, Browsertime, Chrome-HAR, PageXray and Throttle. They can all help you depending on what you are building.

We believe in privacy

We take your privacy really serious: Our documentation site, our dashboard and our compare tool do not use any tracking software at all (no Google Analytics or any other tracking software). None of the sitespeed.io tools call home.

But beware: Chrome and Firefox can call home (we know for fact that they both do). We would love PRs and tips how to make sure browsers don’t call home when you run your tests.

Read more about how we do things.

What does it cost?

The power of sitespeed.io

Sitespeed.io is Open Source and totally free. But what does it cost to have an instance of sitespeed.io up and running?

If you don’t run on your own servers, we recommend running an AWS c4.large, storing the data at S3. On one instance you can run something like 80000+ runs per month for a total cost of $695 per year.

Look more into the details here.

Browsertime 2.0


We’ve been working on releasing 2.0 of Browsertime for some time and now it’s here! You should use Browsertime if you want a raw JSON result for timings and/or execute your own JavaScript. Browsertime is perfect if you wanna build your own performance tool, as VoxMedia did when they created Lightbike built on top of Browsertime.

Thank you!

Sitespeed.io is built upon Open Source tools, we have a special place in our hearts for those projects (see the full list):


There’s a lot of things you can do to help us make sitespeed.io even better than it is today.

If you code, write documentation or do UX you can check the help section and the full issue list.

These people has already improved sitespeed.io with pull requests or ideas (massive love!).